We live in a beautiful blue, green, brown, rainbow colored miracle we call home.
This is where you willfully choose to participate with the Creator of all things seen and unseen.
We use Kindness as the Power in Peace.
Do your Part: Pray, Act, Rely, Trust
Pray continually to your Creator
Act in Faith your prayer was heard
Rely on the Creator to do what you cannot do
Trust in the Creator that all things work for your good

The Midewiwin Path of the Heart
Midewiwin is a core traditional belief of the Anishinaabeg, which means spirits lowered down to earth, who call themselves on this earth, Ojichaagwan B'waa, which means spirit in earth doing good, shortened to Ojibway, we must admit we are all Ojibway.
Midewiwin means the path of the kind heart. It is a spiritual way of viewing all of creation as an extension of the Creator and seeing the same spirit that is within you existing also in all things and therefore willfully choosing to live in harmony and balance.
Humans are to follow the good path and willfully choose to think, speak, and act with the seven teachings of wisdom, respect, humility, honesty, truth, courage and love and in doing so they would become Midew or People of the Heart and all of creation would work for their good.
Let us choose to live a life of kindness to plants, animals, each other, and together we will find that kindness is the power in peace.