Ojibway Adik Songab Doodem
The Standing Firm Reindeer Clan of the Chippewa Peoples
The Ojibwe (Ojibway) or O'Chippewa (French Mispronunciation) are an Anishinaabe group of culturally related Indigenous peoples present in the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States. The word Ojibway comes from two sources, Ojichaagwan B'waa "spirit within!" and Ozhibii'iwe "those who have visions".
The Ojibwe speak Ojiwbemowin, or an Anishinaabe language that belong to the Algonquian language family people.
The Ojibwe believe that Creator gifted the doodem "clan family" system to maintain societal order on Earth. Each clan has roles, talents, and responsibilities to contribute to the overall wellbeing of the entire nation. There are 7 primary clans of the Anishinaabe-Ojibwe people which have many branches today, the original seven are; Loon-Duck (Maang), Crane (Ajijaak, Fish (Giigoonh), Bird (Binesi), Bear (Makwa), Marten (Waabizheshi), and Deer or Hoove (Adik).

Midegah is also an active Treaty Chief in The Red Bear Band of the Pembina Chippewa Tribe as the Chief Signer and Head of the Band Council under Grand Chief Ma'aingen Albert Dennis Lambert, Midegah's great uncle, who is shown in the images below.